Panel 3:
Open Science Capacity Building in MENA: Plans and Policies

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  • Dr. Batool Almarzouq, Honorary research fellow at the University of Liverpool, the lead of the Open Science community Saudi Arabia (OSCSA) and a Content Subject Matter Expert (SME) in NASA’s Transform to Open Science (TOPS) – “NASA’s Transform to Open Science (TOPS): A Toolkit for Fostering Open Science Practices”
  • Dr. Nada Messaikeh (Alliance Manchester Business School) and Reem Jamil Younis (UAE Ministry of Education) – “Open science in education sector research, how can Governments and H.E Institutions collaborate to promote relevance, accessibility, and sustainability of research endeavors?”
  • Dr. Tosin Ekundayo, Synergy University Dubai – “Open Data: A National Data Governance Strategy for Open Science and Economic Development”