Planning for Open: Presenting at IATUL

We were very excited to have the opportunity to present a paper at the 43rd International Association of University Libraries (IATUL) conference, jointly hosted by Zayed University and the American University of Sharjah.

Our Director of Operations, Dr Emily Choynowski, gave a paper titled Planning for Open: How the Forum for Open Research in MENA is supporting the region’s research libraries, which provided an overview of some of the unique challenges faced by libraries in this region, and outlined some of the key solutions and strategies which we are working on to address these challenges and support the region’s libraries in their transition to more accessible, sustainable and inclusive research and education models.

It was an honour to get the opportunity to share our ideas and activities with librarians from across the world, and to engage in the broader debate concerning the importance of working collaboratively to increase the impact and accessibility of research. We want to extend our gratitude to all delegates who shared their enthusiasm and support for FORM, as well as the Conference Organisers for giving us the opportunity to share our insights, and we look forward to developing new strategic partnerships and collaborating on new projects with our new friends and supporters!

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