UNESCO Supports 2023 Forum

In 2022, we were honoured to have UNESCO as our Advisory Partner for the first Annual Forum. In addition to providing expert guidance and support, UNESCO gave one of our keynote presentations and sponsored a fantastic and thought-provoking panel, covering three core topics from the Open Science Recommendation list.

Dr. Ezra Clark, UNESCO – “Open Science Policies and Strategies”

Dr. Yousef Torman, ASREN – “Building Arabic Open Science infrastructure”

Dr. Nazar Hassan, UNESCO – “Open Science Capacity building requirements for the Arab region”

UNESCO also chose the Annual Forum to launch the UNESCO Arab Open Science Podium (a new research platform for the region).

We are delighted to announce that our partnership will continue with the 2nd Annual Forum, and UNESCO will be supporting us and participating in the upcoming conference on 23-24th October in Abu Dhabi.

We are hugely grateful for UNESCO’s continued support and endorsement of our activities and we look forward to expanding our collaborative partnership in the coming months, as we work together to develop practical and sustainable strategies to advance open science across the Arab world.

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