Community Development Series
Our Community Development Series is a key part of our strategy, designed to provide insights and learning opportunities for all stakeholders looking to engage with Open Science at an institutional level, including funding groups and government ministries, libraries and universities, non-profit solutions providers, and all members of the region’s wider research communities.
These free events are held on a monthly basis, online, in collaboration with non-profit organisations and open source solutions providers. The goal is to offer practical guidance on a broad array of issues relating to the implementation of Open Science policies and practices in scholarly ecosystems, from leading global experts.
We have partnered with major Open Science organisations to bring you these ongoing events, including the International Science Council, PKP, ORCiD, cOAlition S, DOAJ, and more.
To get involved or propose an idea for the Community Development Series, please send an email to

Regional and international Open Science experts come together for panel discussions and debates on important topics.

Expert-led workshops geared towards capacity building and supporting the development of Open Science across the Arab world.

Members' Drop In
Quarterly meetings for member representatives to come together and discuss challenges and opportunities within the region.
Open Access Publishing Models: An Overview of Strengths and Weaknesses
This 90-minute workshop will provide attendees an overview of the various funding and publishing models for open scholarship, including emerging models such as subscribe-to-open and various transformative/transitional models like read/publish.
FORM Members Quarterly Drop In
This invitation only online meeting is for institutional and individual members who would like to meet with the FORM team and engage with the community, and support Open Science within the region!
Training for Trust: Advancing Open Research Integrity in MENA
This interactive, three-hour seminar and workshop will introduce key practices in research integrity and explore its role in advancing open science in the MENA region.
FORM Symposium
FORM will host its bi-annual symposium, where we will invite experts on a crucial subject affecting the Open Science community to engage in a critical panel discussion, and Q&A.
FORM Members Quarterly Drop In
This invitation only online meeting is for institutional and individual members who would like to meet with the FORM team and engage with the community, and support Open Science within the region!
The 4th Annual Forum for Open Research in MENA
Join us as we reflect on Open Science during our. latest Annual Forum, where we bring together researchers, policymakers, librarians, and more to share their insights.
FORM Members Quarterly Drop In
This invitation only online meeting is for institutional and individual members who would like to meet with the FORM team and engage with the community, and support Open Science within the region!